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Icons of British Saints



Click on any icon to see a more detailed image




Thumbnail of religious icon: St Ninian



Thumbnail of religious icon: St Sunniva



Thumbnail of religious icon: St Swithun


Saint Ninian of Whithorn

Saint Sunniva

Saint Swithun of Winchester


Thumbnail of religious icon: St Ethelburga



Thumbnail of religious icon: St Maelrubba



Thumbnail of religious icon: St Govan


Saint Ethelburga of Lyminge

Saint Maelrubba of Applecross

Saint Govan of Wales


Thumbnail of religious icon: St Peris



Thumbnail image - Saints of Bardsey Island



Thumbnail of religious icon: St Nidan


Saint Peris

Saints of Bardsey Island

Saint Nidan of Anglesey


Thumbnail of religious icon: St Melangell in her valley



Thumbnail image - Saints of Bardsey Island



Thumbnail of religious icon: St Melangell with hare


Saint Melangell in her valley

Saints Cuthbert and Piran with the Archangel Michael

Saint Melangell with hare


Thumbnail of religious icon: St Ishmael



Thumbnail image - Saints from Ffestiniog, Wales



Thumbnail of religious icon: St Blaan


Saint Ishmael of Wales

Saints from Ffestiniog, Wales

Saint Blaan of Scotland


Thumbnail of religious icon: St Birinus



Thumbnail image - Saints from Ffestiniog, Wales



Thumbnail of religious icon: St David


Saint Birinus of Dorchester

Three Saints of Wales

Saint David of Wales




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